SATURDAY February 22, 19.00

60 min. / Municipal theater Turnov / Entry 70 CZK (50 CZK students)



Theatergruppe KROV, Netherlands

Dynamic experiment about the human condition.

This is the afterparty.
Because we don't want to sleep yet. Although we are tired.
Because we don't want it to end. Although it is getting late.
Because we want to dance and sing. Although we are getting older.
This is the party after the party.
This is the afterparty.

Afterparty (2017) is the second performance made by Jorg van den Kieboom together with KROV. Based on conversations and improvisations on the issue of getting older, the result is a fragmented and disturbing performance. We include dancing and music in our performances which tend to be absurdist and dynamic and have 'la condition humaine' as their main subject.

Autor: Jorg van den Kieboom
Cast: Angelique Hulsman, Michèle Hulsman, Nicoline Pinkster, Anneke Sluimer, John Sweep, Kees Wagenaars
Music: various artists
Scenic design: Jorg van de Kieboom & KROV theater

Theatergruppe KROV Breda, Netherlands

KROV is a theatre group from the Dutch town of Breda. It was founded in the 1980s and has undergone quite a few changes since then. The 'tableau de la troupe' has been more or less constant for about 15 years now. With Oud Zweet we made a succesful tour in Holland and later we also performed the play at festivals in Czechia, Morocco and Germany. We performed our second play Hotel Heimwee in Germany. We like to include moving, dancing and music in our performances which tend to be absurdist and dynamic. Since 2016 we have been working with Jorg van den Kieboom, a young and talented writer and director. First we made 'The Rabbit and the Carrot', an absurdist play that is also suited for foreign festivals. A year later we made 'Afterparty' and in 2018 'Life from a living room'. We won two prizes with this last play. Finally, we played 'Een soort van poging iets te zeggen en hopen dat het zinnig is geweest' and the project Futurum.

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