Theater Workshop 2024

lecturing by Frank Weisse (Germany)

herecká dílna festivalu Modrý kocour 2020 herecká dílna festivalu Modrý kocour 2020 herecká dílna festivalu Modrý kocour 2020

Theater Workshop at Modrý kocour Turnov 2020, photos by Pavel Charousek

„Theater should not only interpret reality, but also contribute to changing it.“ - Augusto Boal

„Art is longer than life.“ - Lee Strasberg

The workshop is aimed not only at actors, but also at everyone who has previously only been to the theater as a spectator. During the workshop we use the theater technique "Method Acting" by Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky, further developed by Lee Strasberg. It is an acting method that should increase the naturalness and intensity of the acting performance by allowing the actor to find the role within himself and merge it with the tools he/she has developed himself.

Strasberg's famous students include: James Dean, Marlon Brando, Dustin Hoffman, Paul Newman, Robert De Niro and others like Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Jack Nicholson and Anthony Hopkins who did not learn directly from Lee Strasberg.

In addition, the participants will learn what lies behind the term "Legislative theater" and we will actively use "Process theater," a hitherto little-known form of theater, as part of the workshop. "Process theater" is a form of theater that actively engages with improvisation and focuses on the causes and consequences of impaired communication skills and associated obstacles (most problems arise from a lack of communication). Process theater works intuitively, improvises, interacts with elements of epic theater and is an attempt to further develop the "Theater of the Oppressed" founded by Augusto Boal. This form of theater is very suitable for improving plays through interactive rehearsals. Last but not least, we also deal with the "Invisible theater".

Our workshop is not a lecture or reciting of monologues. It is a workshop in which you play, run, scream or be completely silent. It is a workshop in which a group of actors playfully becomes a collective. A workshop in which the student is almost constantly in motion, but his physical fitness does not play a role. And last but not least, the participants can act as scriptwriters who record the course of the workshop together. Who knows, maybe a great stage play will be created.

As a result of the workshop, we do not rule out a public performance that we will present during the festival. We will decide together.

All we need is clothing in which we can lie on the ground, jump and run, a scarf or shawl, a pair of shoelaces, and a pad and pen to take notes. The workshop will be held in Czech, but is also suitable for participants who speak English, German, Slovak, Hungarian, Polish or who does not speak at all.

The maximum number of participants is 20!

Frank Weisse

Frank Weisse

Frank was born, raised and studied in Germany. He played theater as a child. He studied literature, devoted himself to psychology, and graduated in literary science. Frank is a certified cultural manager and trained at the International Theater-Therapeutic Conference in Olomouc.

He works as a performer, musician, cultural manager, teacher of German language (teaching using theater techniques). He writes stories, poems, fairy tales and screenplays.

Frank is the initiator, screenwriter and actor of the first experimental documentary film with the so-called invisible theater. The film "Inner noise" documents the situation in the border town of Görlitz (DE) - Zgorzelec (PL) at the time of border checks.

He leads workshops of intuitive writing, improvisation theater and theater workshop with alternative and experimental forms of theater (such as "Theater of the Oppressed") in international projects in various countries, eg theater workshop during the "Aye Aye" (France). Frank is also involved in theatrotherapeutic work in crisis areas in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine.

As usual, the acting workshop will take place in the Cultural Center - Kulturní Centrum Střelnice, Markova street no.311, Turnov. Workshops will run on Thursday, February 15 from 1:00 pm, Friday February 16, and Saturday February 17 at the agreed time.
The public preformance will happen on Sunday 18 February.

Please note that the times of the workshops in the following days will be arranged with all participants so that there is an opportunity to visit interesting theater performances.


Accommodation has to be arranged by all participants on their own!
Penzion Na Výšince and Hotel Karel IV offer accommodation at a discounted price. Please contact them as soon as possible to make a reservation with the information that you are participating in the festival. The payment will be collected individually at the hotel reception upon your arrival. More information about accommodation can be found in the application form.


It is possible to order dinners from Thursday to Saturday and lunches from Friday to Sunday. The price per meal this year will be around CZK 130. This year again meals will be vegetarian. If you wish to order lunches and dinners, check the relevant boxes in the registration form.

Workshop 2024 Price

Participation fee for the workshop (without accomodation)
2500 Kč
(100 EUR)
Fee includes:
  • attendance for three days of the workshop (Thursday, Friday and Saturday)
  • permanent pass for the whole festival

Entries are only valid with the payment.
Payment from international participants will be collected in cash on the first day morning.

To maintain the quality of work and communication during workshops, capacity is limited!

Fill out applications for the 2024 workshop here:

Application form →